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Skimmed Milk

Weight : 500ml

Ananda Skimmed Milk is surely the best skimmed milk brand of India. Employing our state of the art processing techniques, we remove as much of the fat as possible, without knocking outany of the nutrientsthat make milk such a wholesome food. The young at heart particularly find it a tempting option to complement their low-fat diet requirements.

Ananda Skimmed Milk is surely the best skimmed milk brand of India. Employing our state of the art processing techniques, we remove as much of the fat as possible, without knocking outany of the nutrientsthat make milk such a wholesome food. The young at heart particularly find it a tempting option to complement their low-fat diet requirements.

  • Zero cholesterol.
  • Virtually zero bacteria.
  • Excellent for people with heart and blood pressure related problems.
  • Ideal for health and weight conscious people.
  • Excellent for people undergoing fitness sessions.
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