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Dodha Burfi

Weight : 250g

Ananda presents you Doda barfi. It is a very traditional sweet from the state of Punjab. Doda Barfi can be best described as an Indian version of fudge. We make it with fresh milk, sugar, and nuts. With this delicious combination of ingredients, how can one resist this scrumptious dessert?

Ananda presents you Doda barfi. It is a very traditional sweet from the state of Punjab. Doda Barfi can be best described as an Indian version of fudge. We make it with fresh milk, sugar, and nuts. With this delicious combination of ingredients, how can one resist this scrumptious dessert?

  • Made from 100% pure khoa.
  • Rich in Fat-Soluble Vitamins A, D, and E.
  • It Has Omega-3 fatty acids. Which is good for the brain and liver functioning.
  • Very good source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and antioxidants.
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