An eggless version of the classical chocolate brownie. Here we provides a simple and easy Eggless Chocolate Brownies recipe.
Sift flour and baking powder and keep aside. Chop walnuts. Grease a round microwave dish and line it with butter paper.
Combine chocolate and butter in a large microwave bowl and soften, uncovered, on Microwave HIGH (100%) for one minute.
Beat in sugar, vanilla essence and blend well. Add the sifted flour and nuts and mix well. Add milk to correct the consistency of the batter.
Pour the mixture into a greased bowl. Place the bowl on an upturned saucer and cook, uncovered, on Microwave HIGH (100%) for seven minutes.
Serve hot.
Calories 580
Carbohydrates 9g
Protein 8.5g
Fat 23g
Cholestrol 95mg
Sodium 350mg
Potassium 88mg